

(ENG) Some photos of the Post Post Post opening that took place on August 11th in Buenos Aires, Argentina. After the exhibition will tour to Medellin, Quito, Boston and Madrid. A digital catalogue with all the seventy architecture studios that participate in the exhibition will be available soon. We will communicate here the link where you can download it.
The seventy studios list:

ARGENTINA / Adamo / Faiden / Ariel Jacubovich / a77 / Diego Arraigada / Diéguez / Fridman / Estudio Ana Rascovsky / Gaspar Libedinsky / General Design Bureau / Gigo / Normal / Poparq / Rally Conurbano

BRASIL / Grupo Bijari

CHILE / Mlab / supersudaka

COLOMBIA / ctrl+g/lab / JPRCR / Husos / Manuel Villa / Mesa Editores / Oficina Informal de Arquitectura / Paisajes Emergentes / Plan:b Arquitectos

ECUADOR / Arquitectura X / Estudio A0 / Grupo Aji / JMS / Santiago del Hierro / Somatic Collaborative

EL SALVADOR / Cinco Patas al Gato

ESPAÑA / C+ Arquitectos / Edgar González / e l i i / Elap Arquitectura / Fake Industries Architectural Agonism - PKMN / Zuloark

GUATEMALA / La Fantástica

HONDURAS / Ethel Baraona Pohl

MÉXICO / Cadaval & Solá-Morales / Periférica Arquitectura / Pilar Echezarreta con la colaboración de Mier Lobaton

PERÚ / 51 / 1 Arquitectos

PORTUGAL / MOOV / Pedro Bandeira

PUERTO RICO / Wai-Architecture

URUGUAY / Editores Mapeo / Taller danza-fábrica de paisaje / Maam / Mónica Galain

VENEZUELA / Mateo Pintó d'Lacoste & Carolina Cisneros / Nómadas / Oda G
aspar Libedinsky con la colaboración de Heidi Kumao


Anonymous said...

Há data para a exibição em Madrid?

/// moov said...

Ainda não há data para a exposição em Madrid. Será algures por 2011.